Tutor Doctor can provide free tutoring!

Offer Valid: 11/01/2024 - 05/31/2025
Students get 24 hours of free tutoring every 6 weeks

Tutor Doctor has been an approved provider of the state's free tutoring Achievement Tutoring Program since November 2023. We support students across Arizona, one-to-one, on interactive teaching platforms.

  • K-12 public and charter schools
  • 24 hours free per student every 6 weeks
  • Math, reading, writing
  • Click the links to see a 5 min demo of our platforms: K-5th and 6th+

Click the link to register!  https://zfrmz.com/J6c9o4JnqfCNhgsR9NlX

If you prefer in-home, or need support in an area not covered under the program such as Special Education or ACT/SAT preparation, we have supported the East Valley since 2019 and have numerous local tutors who can help (not free). Please complete the form and we will schedule a consultation to learn more.

*Some zip codes are served by other Tutor Doctor regions

This Hot Deal is promoted by Gilbert Chamber of Commerce.