Meet Zac Payne Owner of Icon Roofing

Zac Payne - Owner
Icon Roofing
How many years have you been in business?

3 Years

What product or service do you offer?
We offer roofing services for both residential and commercial valley-wide. We offer maintenances, repairs, replacements, restorations, re-coats, inspections and assessments. We specialize in concrete and clay tile roofs. We're GAF MasterElite certified (their highest ranking) for asphalt shingle roofs. We're certified with MuleHide for flat roofs like modified bitumen, roof coatings and polyurethane foam roofs. We're certified with GAF for walk decks (viewing decks, margarita decks, balconies, etc.) as well.
What makes your business different, competitive, or unique?

I started Icon Roofing about three years ago because I wanted to provide the best customer experience, install the best roofing systems, take care of our employees and give back to the community. We're certified for every type of roof system that we offer services on, which we don't take lightly due to the vetting process and the quality of workmanship and detail required. I want to educate everyone we come in contact with about roofs and what they can do to save money on their roofs in the short term and the long term.
What is the nicest thing a customer has ever said about your business?

Check our reviews! There's 150+ Google reviews that say it better than I ever could.
How has your business found value in your membership with the Gilbert Chamber?

We have been very blessed to be a part of the Gilbert Chamber. I am born and raised in Gilbert so I always wanted to give back to my Gilbert community but we have been welcomed so graciously in the Chamber. We love networking with great people that own great business that we want to support and collaborate with. We have been blessed to serve several people as a direct referral from the Gilbert Chamber over the last couple of years since we joined.
What Motivates you professionally?

Obviously, my wife and kids motivate me to be the best version I can be. I also am very motivated by the joy and success that I see in our employees. I love when someone changes their life by being rewarded for their efforts. We treat everyone like family (a few of us are related, of course) and I want everyone in our company to win in life. I am also motivated by the transformation of our roofing process. We take roofs that are damaged, old, ugly, neglected and give them a new life by replacing them and transforming the exterior of their home/property.

What do you consider to be your greatest success?
My greatest success is being called 'dad' or 'hubby'. I am beyond grateful for the life that I have and the chance I get to live life every day with my wife and kids. Our business has seen an incredible amount of success in the three years since I started it but nothing compares to when I get home and am greeted with hugs and kisses by my family.
Who do you look up to or admire?

I admire my dad, who's a small business owner (East Valley Floors) that moved to Gilbert in the early 1980's and raised our family. He is a great example of how a true man should be. How he treats his wife, how he treats his kids, his grandkids, his employees, his customers, his friends, his neighbors and people at his church are all inspiring to me of how I can always serve more and to treat everyone with respect and love.

When you're not working, where in Gilbert do you spend your time?
Besides spending time with my family I love playing golf. So probably one of the golf courses in Gilbert like Western Skies or Seville is where I spend time with friends and family members playing golf. I also spend a good amount of time on my parents' ranch in Gilbert.