Meet Mark Herward of
Mark Heward, Regional Vice President
How many years have you been in business?
12 years
What product or service do you offer?
I provide financial services to clients determined through a Financial Needs Analysis. Then implemented for them through appropriate products and service to best suit their needs. I also train new agents to become Regional Vice Presidents, to open their own offices and help them grow an agency.
What makes your business different, competitive, or unique?
I personalize the experience and customize a plan for clients based on their needs. I am able to interact with those clients to be able to build and develop a plan based on those answers. I love interacting with and helping people achieve and accomplish financial goals in their lives.
What is the nicest thing a customer has ever said about your business?
When completing a Financial Needs Analysis for customer and showing them the information, they stated with tears welling up in their eyes, that this is something they had been praying for.
How has your business found value in your membership with the Gilbert Chamber?
I was fortunate to be able to get into a Referral Group in the chamber and grow relationships with those others in the group. Along the way getting better with communication and interaction with new clients as well as business owners.
What Motivates you professionally?
As cheesy as it sounds, I really do love helping people. Doing what I do for people, the way I would want it done for me. I had an experience with an advisor before I became one myself, that left me with a bad idea of what a financial advisor was. I remember that and I am able to remind myself to treat others as I would want to be treated!
What do you consider to be your greatest success?
In my line of work and my business, the look of relief on clients faces when they know they have a clear financial path in life. Being able to see the weight that lifts off their shoulders is priceless!
Who do you look up to or admire?
My mentor and business partner. He taught me many things both about business and life. I also look up to my father. Though he is not a business owner, he has taught me hard work, integrity and how to be patient.
When you're not working where, in Gilbert, do you spend your time?
With Family and clients. Gilbert is a great area to work, grow and be. Most business are great to be a patron of.