Meet Kimberly Selchan - Owner of Tutor Doctor Chandler-Gilbert

Melissa Bazter - President (Owner)
Tutor Doctor Chandler-Gilbert
How many years have you been in business?

6 Years

What product or service do you offer?
One-to-one tutoring, test preparation, and academic coaching. We do this in the home of our students both in-person and remotely, and many times a combination of the two.
What makes your business different, competitive, or unique?

We aim for amazing - from our tutors and our clients! We try to understand the needs and goals of the student and consider the team we have available to us. If our tutors' skills, locations, or schedules don't align, or if the parent wants us to serve a role outside of our principles or methods our experience shows us are the most beneficial. we would rather they find a better solution so everyone benefits from the relationship. 

What is the nicest thing a customer has ever said about your business?

Here is a testimony from a mom I met at a school carnival. We helped her eldest daughter in math between 3rd and 5th grade, and this year she enrolled 2 more of her children with us. "When I heard about this free tutoring program on social media I was skeptical and nervous. But I was very happy when I saw Tutor Doctor on the list of providers. I know I can trust Tutor Doctor. (My eldest daughter) is doing well, she just finished 9th grade with a confident B for her final grade in Algebra 1. All her classes are As and Bs, some Honors, and more importantly, she’s confident and managing the workload very well."
How has your business found value in your membership with the Gilbert Chamber?

Connections with local business owners and community forums with local government and leaders has been very helpful to understand the needs of the community, and how we fit into them.
What Motivates you professionally?

Helping people discover and leverage their best qualities, and feel appreciated. Hearing from parents, tutors, and other business owners that I mentor that they had never received praise or feedback, or sometimes just being able to validate their concerns and struggles is so rewarding. It causes a change within, which is lasting.

What do you consider to be your greatest success?
Doing the basics of raising my two teens, taking care of our health and my staff and team at work make me feel successful. Before school, my kids have breakfast, and because I own my business, I can regularly be available to greet them when they get off the bus and make sure they grab a decent snack before homework or sports. Most nights I make dinner (or I delegate the prep work or assembly to them when I need to speak with a tutor or parent). When my team needs to attend to their personal issues, I try to support them and encourage them to put their health and families first.
Who do you look up to or admire?

My friend Meg - she is resilient. I've known her since we were toddlers! She lost both of her parents at different times in her 20's, has been a single mom for 10 years but managed to earn her BA with a 4.0. She just found the love of her life this year and I'm so happy for her.

When you're not working, where in Gilbert do you spend your time?
I love all the coffee shops! Press Coffee, The Coffee Shop are some of my go-to's to chat with friends