Meet JW Rayhons with Rayhons Financial

JW Rayhons - President
Rayhons Financial
How many years have you been in business?

25 Years

What product or service do you offer?
Financial Services
What makes your business different, competitive, or unique?

At Rayhons Financial, we go beyond conventional financial advising. We believe that life's journey is about more than just money. Our unique approach is centered on guiding you towards your ideal life, helping you achieve your goals and turn your dreams into reality. We offer personalized support and tailored solutions to empower you to make informed decisions that align with your values and aspirations. With us, it's not just about securing your financial future; it's about creating a life of meaning and fulfillment.
What is the nicest thing a customer has ever said about your business?

"I always feel special, confident, and comfortable." "We always feel better focused after leaving our meetings there. It helps to keep us on track to achieve the goals we have set." "Your service is "on top" of my accounts, and what should be done on my part. I don't know much about "upkeep" of my accounts, and I'm so glad you people keep up with what needs to be done (i.e. transfer of Roth IRA & start of distribution from annuity). Thank you for your excellent service." "Great we have a lot of respect for you and depend on you for our investments."
How has your business found value in your membership with the Gilbert Chamber?

Rayhons Financial values its partnership with the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce, reflecting our commitment to "people first always" and recognizing the importance of more than just monetary wealth. Through this collaboration, we've connected with fellow businesses, finding support, encouragement, and opportunities for mutual growth. The chamber has provided a platform for meaningful interactions that enrich both our business and personal development.
What Motivates you professionally?

The passion to guide individuals towards a fulfilling and peaceful life beyond financial concerns drives me deeply. Witnessing our clients achieve milestones they once deemed unattainable brings immense joy. It's a privilege to lead my team, encouraging them to embrace boldness, bravery, and resilience in their endeavors. Together, we strive to empower others to pursue their dreams and create lives filled with meaning and contentment.

What do you consider to be your greatest success?
Witnessing our clients achieve milestones they once deemed unattainable. Witnessing the team grow in unity and effectiveness.
Who do you look up to or admire?

Family and others in the industry

When you're not working, where in Gilbert do you spend your time?
coffee shops