Meet Annette Sellers of A New Leaf
Annette Sellers Charitable Giving Advisor
A New Leaf
How many years have you been in business?
53 years
What product or service do you offer?
A New Leaf is dedicated to helping families, children, and adults in our community facing challenges of all kinds. Whether it be the loss of a job, a medical crisis, domestic violence, homelessness, or another heartbreaking crisis, A New Leaf is here to help households recover and thrive. With a rich ecosystem of services, A New Leaf provides a comprehensive foundation for families and individuals who fall on hard times or are looking to get ahead.
What makes your business different, competitive, or unique?
Rising living costs, unaffordable housing, and unemployment are putting countless households on the brink of homelessness. Many families and individuals are only a paycheck away from losing their home. A New Leaf believes that no one should have to face homelessness alone. A New Leaf has advanced its mission of “Helping Families, Changing Lives” by providing meaningful opportunities to empower disadvantaged individuals and families, and to create a stronger and healthier community. A New Leaf’s 35+ programs in the Phoenix Metro area address households’ immediate and longer-term needs through a continuum of care that promotes social and economic health and stability.
What is the nicest thing a customer has ever said about your business?
For over 53 years serving countless individuals, Malissa had this to share: "People always like to think it'll never happen to them, or that only poor people end up homeless, but that's not true. You get hit with a big crisis and that could be you standing on the side of the road. You never know what life will throw at you." "It was such a blessing to be there. I got to talk to a counselor about what I had experienced and come to terms with it. I felt alive for the first time in years. A New Leaf helped me and they are going to help many more people. A New Leaf has been my place of refuge."
How has your business found value in your membership with the Gilbert Chamber?
Networking and meeting other individuals and businesses, sharing in support and growing a better understanding of what it means to be part of an entire community. Leaning on one another for growth, purpose and impact.
What Motivates you professionally?
Knowing that I can make an impact in our community with intention and purpose and that I have the ability to motivate others to do the same.
What do you consider to be your greatest success?
My three beautiful, talented and successful children.
Who do you look up to or admire?
Mother Teresa who was a beacon of hope for the poor, sick and destitute.
When you're not working where, in Gilbert, do you spend your time?
I am a big fan of Cooley Station and Agritopia, both with great food, drinks and now live entertainment.